Kid, Muslim, Parenting, School

Back to School: Trying Something New

We know that our experience in Muslim school vs public charter schools may not be the norm. But I wanted to share our story as an example of a positive outcome. As parents, you have to do what you think is best for your child. We did. We re-enrolled her in the school for her 6th grade, she starts in a few days, God Willing.

Blackness, Kid, Muslim, Parenting, School

Part 3 – Black in a Muslim School No More

As I alluded to in Hafsa: A Difficult Name, Hafsa is no longer attending the local Muslim school. We had several issues with the school, including how being in a predominate South Asian and Arab environment may affect her self-worth. We were also concerned about whether she was being challenged in her secular classes and… Continue reading Part 3 – Black in a Muslim School No More

Blackness, Muslim, Personal, School

Part 2 – Being Black in Muslim School

When I was in sixth grade, my community opened a Muslim school, which I attended with my siblings until I graduated. My mother also taught at the school. We were one of the founding families and one of the handfuls of Black families who attended. I'm not going to detail every racial incident or microaggressions we encountered but only highlight a few.

Blackness, Kid, Muslim, School, Uncategorized

Being Black in a Muslim School

It was barely 5 minutes into our 30-minute drive home from school, when the kid that is in our carpool announced that there is a Confederate flag in the school's library. I keep my tone causal because I do not want to scare him or Hafsa and I need answers without them thinking I'm upset… Continue reading Being Black in a Muslim School